

Hello, my name is Brandy.

Lawyer, former adjunct professor, and Shetland Sheepdog addict, I've unexpectedly found myself here.  I was an English/writing major in college, and I used to write... a lot. (Ok, so I still write a lot in terms of legal papers, but despite my attempts to make those entertaining, they're really just not that interesting.)  From articles years ago on basketball.com to silly megafirm softball game "recaps," a friend recently reminded me that people seem to like my quirky writing -- especially after a recent post on another site about beginning dog training with my puppy Henry. 

So, here we are. After losing two senior Shelties within four months of each other, I've accidentally stumbled into the world of agility.  Join me, my better half, Jennifer, Henry, Gus, and our newest little monster Sully, as we learn to grow together and figure this agility stuff out -- with a little levity and humor thrown in for good measure.  

Laugh with us; cry with us; get frustrated with us. We're here to show you that there's no magic eight ball answer to figuring out how to bond with our dogs.