Brandy and Henry

“Run the course like each one is your last. Make it a run that leaves you smiling, if not laughing aloud for the joy of the sport. Otherwise you will have missed the most important thing in agility, the love and companionship of a trusted, loyal and loving canine partner.” ~ Kathleen Highfill



"There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale



"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller

Jennifer, Henry and Gus

Jennifer, Henry and Gus

"The real joy is in the privilege and ability to step to the start line with your dog by your side, not in the crossing of the finish line, victorious over others.” ~ Gail Storm

Westminster Masters Agility 2017

Westminster Masters Agility 2017

This time last year...

This time last year we were still mourning the loss of our Buffy.

This time last year we were finding our way with Henry -- then seven months old. We'd begun to build his confidence with agility.

This time last year we had no idea about the people we'd meet, the friends we'd make, and that certain dogs would make an indelible impression upon our hearts -- even if they weren't our own. This time last year we didn't know that we'd be falling in love with Gus, or that we'd find family in unexpected places. This time last year, we didn't know we'd stand together with family in times of the loss of one of our own and still carry him with us today. 


But, what a difference a year makes! 

Training the A-Frame

Training the A-Frame

I've nothing really poignant to say, except that once again we're proud to be watching Westminster. But this year, we're proud to know that some of the people we'll be watching are friends.

Run fast, run clean, and good luck to all!



Hello again .... we have ribbons!

Hello again .... we have ribbons!

The Variocage Saga, Part I.

The Variocage Saga, Part I.