Brandy and Henry

“Run the course like each one is your last. Make it a run that leaves you smiling, if not laughing aloud for the joy of the sport. Otherwise you will have missed the most important thing in agility, the love and companionship of a trusted, loyal and loving canine partner.” ~ Kathleen Highfill



"There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale



"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller

Jennifer, Henry and Gus

Jennifer, Henry and Gus

"The real joy is in the privilege and ability to step to the start line with your dog by your side, not in the crossing of the finish line, victorious over others.” ~ Gail Storm

Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Home is where the heart is. And, my heart is with my three favorite beings: two furry gentlemen and one amazing person. It doesn't matter if we're in Maryland in the house we call "home" or if we're packing a portable tree and finding our own place for the holidays and Jen's big "Four OH."

After all, it's about perspective. And our focus right now is on happiness. Yours should be, too.

There's enough negativity in this world today.  And, all of us, at some time within the past year or two have gone through our share of shit (excuse the word, but in this instance it is appropriate).  Some I know are still going through more than their share. Loss. Grief. Financial difficulties. Stress. These things don't care about the calendar. They happen at their will.  

But, we do have a choice.  You do, too. Find a sliver of bliss where you can. A smile on a dog. Sand between our toes. A spectacular sunrise. Playing ball on the beach. The calm in the rhythmic hum of waves. Experiencing history and random strangers and southern cooking. Calories don't matter today. Getting lost in these moments seems to make everything else -- the unimportant in the scheme of things -- disappear.

To our friends and those we also call "family"...I wish you happiness, health and peace this holiday season. Most of all, I hope you pause and find just one moment where time stops and the shit of yesterday at least for the moment no longer exists.  For a nanosecond, you might just experience some unexpected joy in the simplest of things. 

beachy tree2.jpg

Merry Christmas, Y'all.  








2017: Catching Lightening one Moment at a Time.

2017: Catching Lightening one Moment at a Time.

We Triebball!

We Triebball!